Definitions of Presence
This is the one I like:
The research field of Presence studies how the human brain constructs the model of reality and self using replacement/augmentation of sensorial data and interaction, and guides the development for the development of technologies for interaction (VR) and machine intelligence.
As a experimental benchmark, it uses measurable successful replacement/augmentation of sensory data with virtual generated data, where ‘success’ can be defined by analyzing the response of the subject in physiological, behavioral and subjective terms in relation to a “real” situation.
To distinguish this specific form of "Presence" reseearch from other relevant ones, I would propose the use of a new term for Presence in VR: HyperPresence.
This term is for the field of Presence as we have been discussing so far but restricted to research, technologies and applications in which, as a target, the augmentation/replacement of human sensors and actuators uses an information bandwidth larger than, say, a Gigabit/s (this is just an example--I estimate back of the envelope this to be the information flux exchange from the CNS with the environment - back and forth).
The idea is to target full replacement, eventually.
In my view, both Presence and Co-Presence are part of the picture.
Are there any other estimates out there for information flux? Anyhow, the idea is to use information flux as a differentiating factor from other forms of Presence research (e.g., letters or faxes).
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