This is the discussion blog for the PEACH Working Group on Roadmaps and Visions of Presence. Please send questions to

Sunday, April 22, 2007

more on presence scope

The definition that includes

"- Presence - deals with the way the brain constructs the model of reality and self."

... I still don't think it is suitable as the definition of presence research.

The problem is that it is a major quest of neuroscience / psychology etc as a whole. I.e., its scope is too wide.

There is a unique phenomenon that occurs with (some) mediated technologies. Imagine the following thought experiment. You put on a head mounted display that has an adjustable field of view. You start with the field of view at 15 deg (horizontal) and let's say that it has constant 90deg vertical. You gradually adjust the field of view degree by degree, and suddenly there is qualitative change.
Whereas in the early stages you were looking at something, after the change you are somewhere.
Whereas before you saw images of a car moving on the road, now you are standing on the road, the car is coming towards you and you want to get out of the way.

Yes, presence is to do with "the way the brain constructs the model of reality and self" but its domain is "virtual reality" etc, not how the brain works in general. This is a more tractable problem. Of course if we knew how in general the brain works, ie, if we had the "theory of everything" then we would understand presence too. But we don't. Of course what we learn about presence in vr would also help towards the "theory of everthing".

So my point is to have a reasonable scope to the definition, in order to make "presence research" something concrete and specific.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mel, I basically agree with you. This is why I included direct mention to VR in my definition, but can make it more explicit:

The research field of Presence studies how the human brain constructs the model of reality and self using replacement/augmentation of sensorial data and interaction in VR, and guides the development for the development of immersive technologies for interaction (VR) and machine intelligence. As a experimental benchmark, it uses measurable successful replacement/augmentation of sensory data with virtual generated data, where ‘success’ can be defined by analyzing the response of the subject in physiological, behavioral and subjective terms in relation to a “real” situation.

12:58 AM


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